Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Martock Volcom PBRJ

The Maritimes was stoked last weekend with Martock getting a stop on the Volcom PBRJ tour, and people came from all over NS, NB, PEI, and even Newfoundland.
The peanut butter and jam was an awesome mid-sesh snack.

This young dude of course had peanut butter and jam, but threw in some Oreos, and some friggin Cheesies! Nice one!
The spread.
Our homeboy Scotty doing something down the flat-down rail, back lip maybe.

Lydia McLean 50-50.
Don't know this shredette's name, but she's handling the big rail.

Prize time!
Jeff was a madman on the mic, talk about psyched! I never did find the whole wheat bread and soy peanut butter though...
Cole Parsons getting his loot, he's stoked!
Big props to Andy & the Martock crew, Jeff & crew (sorry I'm awful with names) from Volcom, Courtney & Mel from Pro Girl for an awesome event.

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